Explore mode (Power Viewers only)

Explore mode provides additional capabilities for data investigation beyond those available in view mode. Users can change the analysis type, group the data by another attribute (any available in the dataset), add measures besides those that were built into the dashboard, and more. Explore mode does not allow users to build and format complex dashboards. Administrators can turn off this capability.

To start exploring from a widget

When viewing a dashboard, you can expand any of its widgets in explore mode to dig deeper into the data.

Click  in the upper-right corner of a widget (visible on mouseover) to open the menu.

Select Explore From Here.

The widget is maximized within its own tab in explore mode. Additional options to investigate the data (see below) are available in the toolkit on the left side of the screen.

Go straight to explore mode


If you prefer, you can start exploring from a default view rather than picking a widget

In the dashboards screen, open the dashboards menu and select Explore.

The default starting point is a simple comparative, unless your organization has customized its own starting point.


What you can do in explore mode

Explore mode offers the same options for interacting with the data that are available in view mode plus the following:

When you are finished exploring

When you are done exploring, you can: